Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Crab Feed & Auction?
The Crab Feed & Auction is the largest fundraiser of the year for our school and parish, and it’s a great night out with our school and parish family! The revenue from the event supports the school’s operating budget, which helps keep tuition low, fund capital improvements, and pay for science, technology, and math programs. The Auction is a wonderful community event, but it is only successful because of the generous contributions and volunteer hours of so many – like you!
When is the Crab Feed & Auction?
This year’s Crab Feed & Auction will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2020 in the Corpus Christi gym.
Where is the Crab Feed & Auction?
The Crab Feed & Auction starts in the upstairs classrooms with a silent auction full of fantastic items on which you can bid, from sports tickets to summer camp gift certificates to parties for kids and parties for parents. Then the celebration moves downstairs into the gym for all-you-can-eat crab, drinks, a live auction and dancing. For everyone’s safety, we suggest that you plan for transportation and take advantage of a Lyft or if you plan to consume alcohol.
How can I purchase tickets for the event?
You can purchase your event ticket on the Tickets Page.
What do I wear to the Crab Feed & Auction?
Generally people wear dressy or cocktail attire, but please dress as you feel most comfortable.
How does bidding work?
For amazing deals on great items and awesome parties, you can bid in four different ways:
Bid in the ONLINE AUCTION starting on January 15th through January 22nd.
Bid during the SILENT AUCTION on January 25th from 5:30–7:15 pm.
Bid during the LIVE AUCTION on January 25th during dinner in the gym.
I can’t make it to the Silent Auction — how do I still bid on items?
Although we hope everyone will come to the Crab Feed & Auction, if you can't make it, you can still bid so that your family doesn‘t miss out! Find a friend who is attending the Crab Feed & Auction and ask them to “proxy bid“ for you (meaning they literally do your bidding). Give them a list of the parties/items in which you‘re interested, along with your bidding number and how much money you're willing to spend on each item, and let them do the work for you. That way your kids won't miss out on great class and teacher parties, and you won't miss out on awesome adult parties and other amazing items!
What is my family expected to contribute?
Each family is expected to donate two items of $50 or more each. Donations can be goods, services, parties or a monetary donation. Donation forms are due to the school by December 6th, and physical donations are due to the school by December 13th.
Back by popular demand: Turn in your Donation/Party forms early and get free dress passes! Submit your forms early (by November 22nd) and you’ll receive a free dress pass for each of your children. Get those donations out of the way and give your kids the gift of free dress!
Donations may include:
Gift cards: Ask the places you visit often (hairdresser, coffee shop, nail salon, restaurants, dog groomer)
for a gift card donation.
Parties: You can host a party for kids in your child’s class (for boys, girls, or both), throw a family party, or go all out on an adults-only bash. Our goal is to ensure we have family and kid parties for each grade, so think about teaming up with others in your class to host! For more information on parties, visit the Parties page.
Tickets, vacation homes, professional services and more: Do you have access to sports or event tickets? A vacation home in Tahoe? Do you have a specialty service you could donate, like estate planning, accounting services, photography, or interior design? Other goods like games, toys, spa days, clothes, jewelry, etc.? Donate them to the auction!
Cash: If you don’t know what to donate, you can consider making a cash donation prior to the event (it may be eligible for a corporate match by your employer!) or by submitting a POPS card, which will be available at your table at the Crab Feed. To make a donation now, visit the Donations page.
How do I make a donation?
Donations can be made by filling out the Silent Auction Donation Form or Party Form online. Go to the Donations page and fill out a donation form online. All donation forms are due December 6, 2019.
Why do I need to fill out a form so early?
Filling out forms by December 6th gives the auction committee sufficient time to create the auction catalog with all of the information on the donations for sale (which, believe it or not, is a very time-intensive process). So your adherence to this deadline is greatly appreciated!
Who do I give my donation to?
Please bring all donations to the school office with your donation confirmation, now or before December 13, 2019.
How can I volunteer for the event?
A huge event like this doesn’t come together without the hard work of our wonderful school and parish communities. We need great volunteers like you to make it successful! Every family is expected to volunteer for the Crab Feed and Silent Auction, and there are a variety of ways in which you can help. Plus, volunteering is a great way to get to know other parents and earn hours while you’re at it!
How do I sign up to volunteer?
You can sign up on the Volunteer Page. Please sign up by January 13, 2020 (but the earlier, the better!).
What does the money that’s raised at the auction go to?
Did you know that the tuition we pay only funds about 85% of the school’s operational budget each year? The 15% difference is funded by our major fundraising events, most notably the Silent Auction, of which every dollar raised goes directly to the school.
Of the money raised at the Silent Auction, $75,000 goes directly to the school’s operational fund to help keep tuition low and prevent the need for tuition increases to cover the budget; it also pays for improvements throughout the school. Any money raised over $75,000 goes to specific programs like art, music, and technology. The funds raised through the exciting Live Auction go to the Corpus Christi Men’s Club to help fund both school and parish needs.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
If you have any further questions, please contact your Silent Auction Co-Chairs – Melissa Baenen, Katie Bair or Jackie Lohse – at corpuschristischoolauction@gmail.com.